I released Jenkins ChromeDriver plugin that auto-installs chromedriver on all slaves. Here is why this is useful.
DNS outage with jenkins-ci.org
As Tyler summarized it in this e-mail thread, currently there’s an DNS outage going on with jenkins-ci.org that makes all name resolutions fail.
Jenkins now acts as an SSH daemon
Starting in the upcoming Jenkins 1.446, Jenkins speaks the server-side of the SSH protocol. I think this is exciting, and here is why.
Webinar: Jenkins Enterprise by CloudBees
On Janurary 10th, I’ll be doing a webinar about Jenkins Enterprise by CloudBees (formerly known as Nectar, which we renamed with the permission of the community.)
Jenkins Plugin Tip: Access control and visibility in actions
As I discussed before, Action is one of the primary ways plugins use to add more information to the top page, project pages, build pages, and so on.
Installing plugins to Jenkins without restart
Today I’m going to talk about the upcoming feature in Jenkins 1.442 (to be released today), which allows you to finally install plugins without restarting Jenkins.
Polling must die: triggering Jenkins builds from a git hook
As I keep saying, polling a repository from Jenkins is inefficient; it adds delay on the order of minutes before a build starts after a commit is pushed, and it...
Introducing template plugin
The Nectar 11.10 release that we just made has the template plugin, which I think is one of the very useful plugins that we added to Nectar that’s not available...
Quiz answer: memory leak in Java
I posted a little quiz yesterday, and here is the answer.
Quiz time: memory leak in Java
Today I had an interesting debugging exercise, and I felt like I learned a new lesson that’s worth sharing with the rest of the world.
Jenkins HackCamp at Tokyo
Right after JavaOne, I traveled to Tokyo, and attended a 3-day hack camp. The Jenkins community had done several 1-day hackathon around the world, but this is the first that...
My take on Jenkins User Conference
Last week, we had our first ever Jenkins User Conference. More than 30 talks have been proposed (of which we were only able to accomodate 10 or so), 7 companies...
Ken Cavanaugh had passed away
I’ve just learned that Ken Cavanaugh had passed away. He was my colleague back in Sun, and we had worked on a few small projects together.
My epic battle with findbugs-maven-plugin and how I utterly lost
It started quite innoucently. I was looking at this thread in Jenkins dev list and thought it’d be a good idea to get some critical findbugs errors to fail a...
O’Reilly Open Source Award 2011
I just got the O’Reilly Open Source Award 2011 at OSCON at Portland, for my work on Jenkins. I’m quite humbled and honored, (and I certainly hope I can finally...
Jenkins training in New York next week
As a follow up to the successful sessions we held in London, San Francisco, and Tokyo, CloudBees will be holding two additional Jenkins training sessions in the coming few months,...
Upcoming Training in London
On June 1st, CloudBees will be hosting a 1-day Jenkins training in London, and I’ll be delivering it. Based on the experience of past deliveries of the training, this time...
IP rights on my Hudson contributions
There seems to be some confusion/mis-information about the IP claim I made in my previous post, so let me clarify why I think they are valid. There are two parts...
Oracle proposes to move Hudson to Eclipse
I was about to go into my session in JAX 2011 when I learned that Oracle made a proposal to move the Hudson project to the Eclipse foundation. Needless to...
Upcoming Webinar “State of Jenkins”
A few weeks back, I’ve presented the current state of the Jenkins project in the Silicon Valley CI Summit. This wednesday, I’ll be doing a re-run of this talk as...
Jenkins / Aritfactory / Gradle integration
Since I’ve talked about Jenkins in the CI summit event with Yoav from JFrog/Artifactory and Hans from Gradle, I thought I’d highlight some of the integrations between Jenkins, Artifactory, and...
Upcoming Webinar “Mastering Jenkins Security”
I’ll be doing another Jenkins webinar titled “Mastering Jenkins Security” in the next Thursday 10am Pacific Time. It’s a free event, so please register.
The Silicon Valley Continuous Integration Summit
I’ll be speaking about the status of the Jenkins project in the upcoming free event “Silicon Valley CI Summit” at the in LinkedIn Mountain View office on April 7th. See...
Jenkins hits 1.400
Jenkins is now at 1.400 (as of last Monday, yes, I know. But better late than never…). As with 1.300 and 1.200, this release doesn’t particularly signify any substantial major...
White paper: “7 Ways to Optimize Jenkins”
Back in Janurary, I’ve done a webinar and discussed a check list for production Jenkins deployments. The main content of that webinar is now available in a whitepaper. Hopefully this...
One last plea for Hudson/Jenkins vote
As Andrew posted, the vote for Jenkins is open now. You need to be a member of the users or the dev list to be eligible, and the detailed instruction...
On Oracle proposal about Hudson
Oracle posted their proposal on the future of the Hudson project here (the cached version is here and here in case it changes.)
Bye bye Hudson, Hello Jenkins
(This post was originally made under an incorrect location, so I’m moving it here. The contents haven’t changed since its original post on Jan 11th 2011.)