Upcoming Webinar “Mastering Jenkins Security”

I’ll be doing another Jenkins webinar titled “Mastering Jenkins Security” in the next Thursday 10am Pacific Time. It’s a free event, so please register.

After the first webinar, I got a number of feedbacks about the future webinar topics. So when we thought about doing the next one, this came fairly naturally. Unlike the first one, this time the idea is to pick one topic and go do some in-depth discussions. It’s harder to do in a conference, and so I think it’s better suited for webinars.

By default, no security is enabled in Jenkins, so in an environment where a stricter access control is more benefitial, an administrator needs to set this up to suit their needs, and there’s just a lot of different ways people want to configure it. So in this webinar, I’ll start by outlining the basic design of the security system in Jenkins — authentication and authorization — so that you can build a sufficient mental model of how it works, how they interact, and how it can be made to fit your needs.

We’ll then go through the major implementations of those two pluggability points, so that you can pick the right implementation for your needs. There are some plugins, like Active Directory plugin or OpenID plugin, that tightly integrates with respective systems that provide great integration experience. Then there are other plugins, like script security realm, which provides a general purpose mechanism that can be used to integrate Jenkins with arbitrary systems with little effort. Then there’s an entirely different approach of delegating authentication outside Jenkins to the front end reverse proxy. On the authorization side, there are lesser but still a number of options that you can choose from.

Aside from the authentication/authorization, I’ll discuss the security implications of running builds in Jenkins and other standard webapp security considerations, such as cross-site scripting problems, cross-site request forgery issues, and other attack vectors. I think it’d be useful for those who run Jenkins for a larger team.

So once again, please register if you are interested in attending, and if you have future topic suggestions, please let me know!

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