(This is the continuation from the previous post.)
KubeCon event report (1 of 2)
KubeCon / CloudNativeCon in Barcelona was amazing. I’ve been hearing great things from my colleagues who have been to past KubeCon, but hearing and seeing are two entirely different experiences....
Microsoft Build event report
This is my event report from Microsoft Build last week. More pictures of the event is here. The last time I’ve been to a flagship Microsoft event is more than...
Dockercon 2019
I was at the Dockercon last week. TL;DR is that +1 for the event team, their OSS strategy, and ARM, but -1 for the CTO’s stage performance, and their product...
On technology leadership
What does it mean to be a technology leader? This has been and still is a perpetual question for me. In this post, I’d like to reflect on what I...
My personal journey around diversity
Today, in the software development industry, the issue of gender, racial, and other diversities is widely accepted. But I also think this is still largely understood as “social value,” as...
Software is eating the world all right, but is everyone becoming software business?
As CTO of CloudBees, and the founder of the Jenkins project, I often take a podium in front of a room full of senior technology leaders and make a pitch...
Groovy folks, time to start agreeing
I wrote about the drama unfolding in the Groovy project a month ago.
POTD: ExceptionInInitializerError logger
It’s been a while I’ve done a project of the day, but here it is, the fruit of my yak-shaving today.
POTD: random but meaningful name generator
I’m working on the automated blackbox acceptance tests for Jenkins, where I often need to generate random unique names. The code has been using random number generator to generate such...