Jenkins Git Server Plugin

Jenkins Git Server plugin is a so-called “library plugin”, which doesn’t offer any user-visible feature by itself, but instead enables other plugins to do something easily inside Jenkins. In case...

Jenkins User Conference Israel

I’ll be visiting Israel this week, for Jenkins User Conference in Herzliya. I think this is my 3rd time visiting there, and I always enjoyed my visit and people over...

Jenkins Pry Plugin

I released Jenkins Pry plugin 1.1 today. This plugin adds the “pry” command to Jenkins CLI so that you can use pry to introspect a running Jenkins instance via pry....

POTD: Groovy Sandbox

I posted the other day about Groovy’s SecureASTCustomizer and how it is harmful. In the end of that post, I suggested that doing the check dynamically would work better.

COM4J updates

It’s been a while, but I’ve posted a new version of COM4J. COM4J is a library that lets you talk to Windows COM components. Unlike similar libraries lika jacob, which...

Attaching files to JUnit tests

Despite the fact that it is the de-facto standard of test reports in any programming languages (perhaps except .NET), JUnit test report format has a number of problems. One is...

Jenkins User Conferences 2012

As a result of the success of the Jenkins User Conference last year in San Francisco, this year CloudBees and other sponsors are planning 4 Jenkins User Conferences around the...

This week in Tokyo

I’m back to Tokyo this and next week, doing all sorts of Jenkins related (and other CloudBees related) activities.

Writing programs that drive Jenkins

One of the interesting discussions during SCALE 10x was about using Jenkins as a piece of a bigger software. This person was interested in using Jenkins to run some business...