POTD: iOS device connector plugin (cont’d)

Today, I wrapped up the project I started Friday and released iOS device connector plugin.

In addition to listing all iOS devices, this plugin lets you deploy IPA files from anywhere (in Jenkins build via a build step or outside via CLI) to any of the connected iOS devices.

There are still some loose-ends that I’d like to get some feedback on:

  • You should be able to select a device without electing a specific UDID, and I’m curious what kind of criteria people needs here. Do you need to be able to say “deploy my app on iPad2 with 16GB memory”, or is “deploy my app to an available iPad” suffice?
  • For this to be useful for automated test execution. I think we need to be able to launch the app (and I assume the tests embedded in the app itself will run and shuts itself down in the end?) How do people do it?
  • Don’t we need to inject the coordinates of the actual device the app was deployed to, so that your build can do more stuff with it?
  • What are other interesting operations to devices. File access? Screenshot?

Anyway, the plugin is already released. I hope you find it useful.

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