I rode a lot in January. I traveled 1,400km/870mi and climbed 10,000m/33,000ft. That’s 45km/29mi and 333m/1100ft every day, which is crazy. Perhaps it was because Dec was rainy and I had to stay indoor too much. Maybe because the temperature is getting warmer and comfortable. Or maybe it’s just because my app is giving me a digital “trophy”, which is nothing but a picture, when I achieve 1250km in this month and that anchored my expectation. It’s so easy to game myself.
Every weekend, I went out for a 120km/75mi+ long ride. With the Omicron wave peaking, I had to skip eating at restaurants, which robs one of the joys, but I still get to take pictures, see farm & wild animals, and so on.
My food consumption went way up as I ride more. On top of that, when I’m on a long ride, I’m eating all the time. It’s funny to think of my own body as a machine with simple input & output but it is really true. A body needs food to pedal, as simple as that.
The same is true with oxygen. If I’m in the right condition, I discovered that I can push really hard for a few minutes in a steep uphill, which I think is pushing my oxygen consumption beyond the lung capacity. In a minute or two, my whole body starts to get this weird tingling sensation.
I was able to achieve a ~1hr ride averaging 30km/h or 18.5mph, which was a big milestone. I’m generally averaging around 25km/h / 15.5mph now. Half a year ago, it was more like 23km/h or 14.5mph. In the same time period, I gained about 1kg in body weight. Long rides are less taxing on my body. I can go 120km/75mi on Saturday and on Sunday I can still go for another 50km/30mi. I’m improving.
For the first time in my life, I feel physically fit. Who would have thought!?!?