I’m really excited to kick off my 2013 with a tour around the world for Jenkins.
The first stop will be in Tel Aviv, where I’ll be doing training with AlphaCSP. This has sold out, but AlphaCSP will be delivering this training again in the future. I’ll then head to London for the Jenkins User Event in London, with James Nord (of the m2 release plugin fame) and Andrew Phillips from XebiaLabs. This one has also sold out, but I’ll be recording the talks and posting them online. After tha, I’m in Munich to deliver another Jenkins training with ObjectBay. Again the same deal here — it’s sold out but they’ll be scheduling repeats later.
I’ll then be back to my home for a few days, then off to Seoul for the first-ever Jenkins meet-up in Korea. I’m really excited about this, and I’m trying to kick-start a local community, which is invaluable in this region of the world. If you are in the area, please come join us, and get to know other people in the Jenkins community.
Then I head to Tokyo to an user meet-up (no registration page is up yet, please check back our website later), and a couple more trainings (this one has more seats available.)
From there I’m flying to Brussels for FOSDEM. They gave me a keynote slot (yay!), and Tyler is organizing the testing and automation devroom. A number of Jenkins people will be there, and we’ll have a table for two days. This will be exciting!
And in my last leg of the journey, I’ll be at JFokus in Stockholm. They kindly gave me a long 3 and half hour slot to talk about Jenkins in depth, aside from more typical 50 mins talking slot. I’m looking forward to this new format.
And when I finally get back to home, I suspect I need some down time to recover.
If you are in the area nearby, and grab some stickers or want to say hello, please let me know! And my apologies in advance for the delay in responding e-mails and other disruptions.