I’ll be speaking tomorrow at San Francisco Selenium Meetup about Jenkins & Selenium — mainly recent improvements in the Selenium plugin, as well as several other new plugins relevant in the combination of Jenkins and Selenium, complete with a demo. I’ve got a couple of pet-peeves against the Selenium project, so I’m going to pitch them there to see the reaction, too.
I’ve told that Jason Huggins from Sauce Lab is going to pick up where he left off in the last Jenkins User Conference to talk about his robot, and Theo Cincotta from Eventbrite will give the case study of how Eventbrite uses Jenkins & Selenium together internally, so the whole thing should be a great mix of fun & useful topics, all packed in a Wednesday night from 6:30pm to 8:00pm, with beer and food.
The event is free, but you do need to RSVP, instead of the usual RSVP in the SF Selenium meetup group page at meetup.com (which currently says 209 people coming, when the EventBrite RSVP page says the capacity is 100 people — so I need to check with the organizers to make sure they know what they are expecting…)