Webinar: Jenkins Enterprise by CloudBees

On Janurary 10th, I’ll be doing a webinar about Jenkins Enterprise by CloudBees (formerly known as Nectar, which we renamed with the permission of the community.)

Jenkins Enterprise is Jenkins LTS + a number of CloudBees’ value-add plugins that help large and serious users, with the support. This release contains a number of new plugins, most notably the template plugin, which allows people to manage a large number of similar jobs, creating more domain friendly configuration mechanism, as well as means for the administrators to force certain practice on jobs.

The release also includes improvements to existing plugins — folders can now have views defined within them, and with VMWare, you can now tell Jenkins to use all computers in a specific folder, as opposed to configure individual machines one by one. There’s also a new job scheduling mode that makes Jenkins prefer idle slaves over partially used slaves that already have your workspace. And so on.

This release also lets you run these value-add plugins on top of non-LTS stock Jenkins.

All things combined, I think we got something interesting for many Jenkins users. Hope you can join us in this webinar.

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