Upcoming Training in London

On June 1st, CloudBees will be hosting a 1-day Jenkins training in London, and I’ll be delivering it. Based on the experience of past deliveries of the training, this time I’m making some significant updates to the material to cater toward more experienced users and admins, about topics that range from automated code quality tracking to distributed builds, security setup to how you do continous delivery, build promotions to parameterized builds.

The training is capped by a small number of people, so it’s also interactive. I’ve enjoyed answering interesting and specific questions people bring in and point them to different plugins. In addition, for me, seeing people use the software also helps me understand how to improve them.

This is the first time we do this in Europe, and I’m hoping you’ll come join us. And if you are not in London, looks like my boss has signed me up for future trainings in San Francisco and New York, and if you have suggestions about other cities, please let us know!

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