As Andrew posted, the vote for Jenkins is open now. You need to be a member of the users or the dev list to be eligible, and the detailed instruction can be found here. I thought I’d take the opportunity to make one last plea to the community.
When the representative of Oracle says it to my face that I should just go find something else to work on, or that I need to immediately stop making [infrastructure] changes or the next email I will receive will be from their lawyers, or when you hear him describe me as a hurdle to the community, I think writing on the wall is pretty clear to me.
As such, regardless of the outcome of the vote, I find it very unlikely that I can continue to contribute to the Hudson project, and thus I will move on on Jenkins. I can’t control what others do, but I can at least decide what I personally do. While days leading up has been rather hard on me emotionally, now that I made up my mind, I actually feel good (besides, it’s such a nice day in San Jose today.) I’m confident that many key core and plugin contributors (who has made Hudson what it is today) will join me, and I hope users will follow us too (which is the other part of what made Hudson what it is today.)
What I’d like to ask the broader Hudson community is to have your voice heard and give us your support by voting. That you want to be with us. It lets us maintain the continuity of the project, it gives us legitimacy, and it sends a singal to the unaware silent majority which way they should follow. It’s the best way to maintain our community.
So please let your voice heard, and help us spread the word. For one last time.